Book launch cocktail

Book launch cocktail

I recently published a new book, a short story collection called ‘Add Cyandie to Taste’. It’s the first book I’ve written purely out of pleasure and the kind of book I always wanted to read, that includes stories with culinary twists, and recipes that go with them (sans cyanide).

Because of the pandemic, a bigger book launch wasn’t an option, so I came up with an alternative that allowed me to celebrate with others. Namely, a cocktail in the same lovely yellow as the book cover, and with some of my favourite ingredients. I call it ‘Play it, Sunny’ and the recipe works just as well without the alcohol. Here’s how you make it.


  • 1 shot gin

  • 1/2 shot simple syrup (or 1 tbsp fine sugar)

  • pulp of 1 passion fruit (or 200 ml passion fruit juice)

  • ice

  • a sprig of mint for decoration


Put the gin, the sugar/syrup, and the passion fruit in a cocktail shaker with a few cubes of ice. Shake vigorously. Remove the ice before pouring out the drink. Decorate with a sprig of mint, spanked against your palm to release the aroma.

Play it, Sunny

Toast the end of 2020 with a cocktail

Toast the end of 2020 with a cocktail